Our mission is to create innovative lasting solutions to fight homelessness, hunger and poverty in Morgan County. Rising Up is developing temporary and permanent solutions and programs that will help individuals
and families rise up from homelessness and poverty and keep hunger at bay.
Client Choice Food Pantry
Our pantry is like a small grocery store, where shoppers can make wise food choices based on the preferences and nutritional needs of their families. Client Choice pantry shopping is offered to enrolled clients monthly, or more often, depending upon household circumstances. They are welcome to “shop” from a supply of nutritionally balanced groceries, including fresh produce, frozen meat, canned and dry goods, bread and pastries, dairy products, deli products, and other miscellaneous products such as condiments, snacks, baking products, and more.
Balanced nutrition is encouraged, and we offer various opportunities for clients to learn easy and affordable recipes and meal plans designed to help incorporate healthy habits in their household.
Households who are in the process of enrolling may be provided a pre-selected box of food known as an “emergency box” in order to get nutrition into the household until they can be fully enrolled. Clients experiencing homelessness may visit the pantry every business day to receive a “goodie bag” including a ready-to-eat meal, snacks and a beverage.
If your household requires assistance, please call (970) 370-8880 or visit the center to learn how to enroll.
A mobile pantry service was implemented to reach those who are not able to access the pantry as well as reach rural communities due to geographic distance and transportation barriers cannot travel into Fort Morgan. The mobile unit delivers once a month to Hillcrest Apartments, Jackson Lake and to New Raymer, Colorado. For more information or to sign up for the office sites call 970-370-8880.
Partner of Food Bank of the Rockies

Food Pantry Hours
• Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday: 12:30 pm-4:00 pm
• Tuesday: 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Senior Commodities
The Commodity Supplemental Food Program (CSFP) is a USDA program designed to improve the health of low-income people at least 60 years of age, by supplementing their diets with nutritious foods. Eligible seniors receive a monthly food box consisting of non-perishable protein, milk (powdered or UHT), juice, cereal, canned or dried fruits and vegetables, refrigerated cheese nutrition education and recipes are also included in the food boxes. Rising Up serves as a host site and to assist in outreach, certification and distribution of CSFP food boxes monthly to ensure no senior goes hungry.
The Emergency Food Assistance Program (TEFAP) is a federal program that helps supplement the diets of low-income Americans, including elderly people, by providing them with emergency food assistance at no cost. Through TEFAP, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) purchases a variety of nutritious, high-quality USDA Foods, and makes those foods available to state distributing agencies.
Want to Help?
For those who would like to support Rising Up’s efforts, donations of food and money can be taken to Rising Up during the above hours. Donations are always welcome and appreciated. Food insecurity is a very real problem for many people in our community. We are glad that we can Rise Up to offer an innovative way to help. See our Donate Page to see how you can help
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