Our mission is to create innovative lasting solutions to fight homelessness, hunger and poverty in Morgan County. Rising Up is developing temporary and permanent solutions and programs that will help individuals
and families rise up from homelessness and poverty and keep hunger at bay.
Meeting a Rural, Northeast Colorado Need
There are no shelters located east of us within the Colorado border and to the west, the next closest shelters are in Greeley and Denver. Many of our homeless neighbors come from rural communities throughout the region and they are not always comfortable seeking assistance or relocating to the larger metro areas along the Front Range.
The geographic challenge for our homeless neighbors, makes it vital that there is a shelter open within the community to serve not only those from Morgan County, but also as a place where homeless residents from throughout the region can come for shelter.
In addition, there are transients that are traveling through, and seek shelter in our community before moving on to their destinations. Though this population is fluid, it is just as imperative that they have shelter when they need it. Morgan County serves as a popular stopping place for people traveling through.
Rising Up Warming Center
The Warming Center is a place that our homeless neighbors can come to get out of the dangerous cold. One of the biggest services Rising Up is able to offer is connecting the dots to existing programs and agencies that can provide assistance with housing, jobs and healthcare.
Rising Up staff and volunteers are able to develop relationships with our homeless neighbors which helps alleviate fears, and opens doors to a trusting relationship. Once that is established, Rising Up is able to better lead neighbors through processes of filling out paperwork, setting up appointments and being personally accountable for making progress in their lives.
As important, if not more, Rising Up provides hope, care and compassion; letting our homeless neighbors know that there is a place they can go, a place where people really do care about them. Since inception seven years ago, the Warming Center, has provided overnight shelter to over 400 individuals, keeping them in from the dangerous cold during the overnight hours. Shelter was provided over 3500 nights, ranging individually from 1 to 100 nights per stay.

Warming Center Information
• Open daily from November 1st – March 31st
• Doors open daily at 6pm
• All guests must be checked in by 8pm
• Dinner served from 6pm – 7pm
• Breakfast served 6am – 7am
• Get assistance with job searching, searching for housing & accessing community resources
• Access to showers